Sunday, August 26, 2012

Al Fresco while the summer lasts....

It's that time of year where the summer lovers are fighting depression and the fall lovers are flaunting their victory of cooler weather.  I fall into the former and am seeking to savor every moment of outdoor enjoyment.  Earlier this summer, a fellow local blogger posted a helpful entry entitled "Lehigh Valley Patio Guide."

She made some intriguing suggestions, some of which I have not yet visited but are on my list.  Check it out, leave a comment of your own favorite spots for outdoor dining in the LV & B, and take advantage of these end of summer days.   You can also check out Evans' Eats 25 recommendations by clicking on "outdoor seating."

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the shout out! I do love a patio in the fall. Yummy harvest cuisine, bold wines and tasty pumpkin-spiced beers.
